Lorraine D. Corne

Author & Psychologist

Women’s Issues

Women react to situations very differently from men. How your partner, sons, work colleague or boss, react to your needs can be quite frustrating and hurtful at times. Understand how to approach males with your issues and have a satisfying outcome for both sides. Emotional difficulties caused by physical problems can also be effectively addressed through therapeutic counselling. Parenting skills may need new strategies.

If you would like to:

  • Improve relationships with men and boys
  • Become more assertive
  • Effectively address emotional turmoil caused by physical problems due to illness, menopause and the like
  • Resolve conflict so that everyone wins
  • Change the “I have to be a good mother” mantra
  • Handle toddlers and children’s tantrums effectively
  • Control anxiety

To find out more about how you can resolve your issues, contact Lorraine.

Womens Issues